Are you experienced in 3D printing and want to help building a new world order of manufacturing?
You come to the right place! We're building the world's most resilient supply chain powered by a distributed network of Makers, just like you!
Sign up for the waiting list at the bottom of this page!
How does it work?

Download The App
Once we need more makers in your area we will send you a link to the app.

Perform A Skill Test
You can choose to 3D print our model or share images of your previous prints.

Accept Orders
You'll only get orders in your country. All our orders come with tested models and defined price.

3D-print The Products
Use your machines and experience to 3D-print the products

Ship And Get Paid
Once the order is packed and shipped, we will transfer your pay in 14 days.

Join the revolution
Things should be made when and when they are needed. Period.
3D printing community has proved the power of 3D printing during the pandemic. It's time to capitalize on that power and build a distributed netwokrs of manufacturing available for everyone locally.

Focus on 3D printing while we take care of the rest
We take care of all mundane tasks related to sourcing the demand, marketing, order management, financials, testing 3D models, pricing and building tools to help you 3D print better so you can do what you do best - 3D print.
The best of all, it's completely free of charge for you. We just pay you for 3D printed orders.

Our success is in your hands
Regardless of how uniquely a product is designed or our marketing efforts, at the end of the day, customers want to buy quality products. So we all rely on you to deliver that excellent product to a customer and guarantee positive experience. We will do everything in our power to support you in this.
The quality of the products will make or break our business. With so many product options easily available online and offline Customers expect a cerrtain level quality.
We've prepared a detailed guide on the expected quality here.
If you're ever unsure or have doubts about the quality, it's best to get in touch so we can find the optimal solution instead of just sending a not such a good quality item to Customers. On a case by case basis, we'll happily share or take the cost of re-print versus having to appologize Customers.
We communicate to Customers that colors may vary slightly, as different filament brands in different countries might have different shades of deep blue or cold white. So some variations in shades of same color can be acceptable.
However, for example a product that has to be printed in a matte mint green should be matte mint green, so if you don't have access to the specified filament, send us a message on discord if another filament is okay.
In the world of e-commerce packaging and shipping constitues a big part of product experience.
Just like you'd be shipping items to your private customers, we ask you to ship items to Customers of Vulkaza. And here we have prepared a packaging and shipping guide to help you navigate this space.
We plan to integrate with shipping providers in 2023 and in the mean time, we will cover shipping costs along with 3D printing payment.
You can find our payment terms in the Terms of Service. In brief, we will pay you for all the shipped 3D prints 14 days after it's been shipped provided there are no disputes over quality.
We will make a payment to your preferred bank account or PayPal.
We pay $1.5 per print hour and cover the shipping.
All orders come with a set price which we determine by slicing models for a MK3S with specific print settings. Sometimes you will print faster, sometimes you will print slower - it all depends on your machine and skill.
The price is set at a level where we can provide a valuable service to our Customers while making sure that you get paid adequately and we have some money to run and build the platform.
We see that the value we provide from sourcing orders, taking care of customer support, to testing models, and giving print instructions makes it significantly easier to run a business out of 3D-printing.