Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon
Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon
Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon
Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon
Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon


Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon

Sale price$7.50 USD

3D-printed using recyclable, plant-based materials. 30-day money-back guarantee.

Color:Marble White

This is a replica of the Voltaire statue, carved by Jean-Antoine Houdon in 1778. It is currently exhibition at the National Gallery in Washington D.C. Read more about the statue here: http://www.nga.gov/fcgi-bin/tinfo_f?object=1266

The small version is 100 mm, while the medium one is 180 mm tall.

It is scanned by jonmonaghan over at thingiverse and published to the public domain here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:27785