Using the power of AI to help streamline 3D model generation for 3D printing

Using the power of AI to help streamline 3D model generation for 3D printing

The spookiest season of the year will arrive before we know it. It only serves as a reminder to begin the necessary preparations, because who wants typical, boring decorations? No one. Everyone desires distinctive decor in their homes. Thankfully, artificial intelligence (AI) already exists and assists in producing amazing images that can eventually be converted into 3D models for 3D printing.

Do you think this is too good to be true? Well, we have a recent example of the CTO of Vulkaza - Øyvind, who made some hanging bats for Halloween using only an AI generator and a few more steps.

In the picture below, shapes were AI generated via while using the prompt ‘scary black bat silhouette on white background’ and boom the magic was made just with a touch of a few following steps:

1. Converted AI-generated pictures (png) to vector graphics using an online tool;

2. Converted to 3D models with a small loop for hanging;

3. Sliced them;

4. The final step: 3D printed them!

As you can see, it's not that difficult to create a completely original product yourself. If you decide to give it a try, share your final products with us at we are curious to see them!

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